

Excerpts of "Songs of the Equinox", 05.05.2010, Werkstatt der Kulturen

"Release Me" performed by my student Johanna Baak
--> Tanzolymp 2009 -Release Me- [19.564 KB]

"Window" - Johanna Baak (2009)
--> windowjo.wmv [4.084 KB]


Lyrical Modern Duett - Marie-Luisa Kaster, Johanna Baak, June 2011
--> Duett Lui + Jo [19.295 KB]

"Blues" - Aram Hasler, Tanzakademie Zürich

"Solitude waiting for craziness to let go" - Johanna Baak

Excerpts of "Bittersweet Heartbeats" - performance project june 2009 - performed by students of my wednesday evening class (developed in 10 rehearsals)
--> trailerofbittersweetheartbeats.wmv [26.962 KB]


Excerpt of the general rehearsal from the KINDERMUSICAL "Im Reich von King Aresias" - "Tanzwettstreit"

Trailer - earlier choreographies:


Teaching at the State Ballet School Berlin

Kelvin´s choreography includes neo-classical, modern, jazz and hip hop works for stage, film, television or show locations. He is able to choreograph for professionals, non-professionals and teenagers equally well. His signature is his ability to sensibly and creatively fuse several styles and techniques into one, a process which he has refined for more than 20 years.

Zu Kelvin's Choreografien zählen sowohl neoklassische, moderne als auch Jazz- und Hip Hop-Stücke für Bühne, Film, Fernsehen oder Shows. Er choreografiert nicht nur professionelle Tänzer, sondern auch für "Nicht-Profis" und Jugendliche. Das Besondere seiner choreografischen Arbeit ist die Fähigkeit verschiedene Stile und Techniken sinnvoll und kreativ miteinander zu verknüpfen, ein Prozess, den er im Laufe der letzten 20 Jahre immer mehr verfeinert hat.


2009: - two choreographies for Johanna Baak for "Tanzolymp" in Berlin - gold medal
- choreography for the Kindermusical-Theater Berlin - "Im Reich von King Aresias" (direction: Volkmar Neumann, music: Michael Hansen)

2007: Carmen a „biggerbounce” (Hiphop-Musical for 70 teenagers, inclusive live
youth orchestra) - Choreography & Direction - Zürich
--> collaboration with DROSOS foundation and ZHdK (Züricher Hochschule der Künste)

2005-07: Suite Release, Blue Feet, How come you don`t call (long version), Blues 2 (Zhdk)

2003: Cabaret (Musical) - Stadttheater Chemnitz

The Wiz (Musical featuring Queen Jana) - Berlin

1993: Wordsong (show with Sharifa Khalig) - Frankfurt am Main

1991-06: 13 choreographies for the State Ballet School Berlin – for galas and competitions
--> Sing, sing, sing, The Entrance, Firebird, conversations for 7 souls, Battling the Blues,
Primal Passion, Feeling Good, Right Here Right Now, Remix, Under Pressure,
Night Song, How come you don`t call me, Bach Adagio).

1989-92: Rhythm and Motion (own company) - Berlin

In addition, here are a few short press critiques.

Zur Ergänzung ein paar kurze Ausschnitte einiger Pressekritiken:

chemnitzmusicalzentrale.pdf [399 KB]

chemnitzsingtausderreihe.pdf [295 KB]

presscarmen.pdf [49 KB]


copyright © 2009 Kelvin O. Hardy, D – Berlin